Indexed Universal Life (IUL) – Additional Points

  • Savings account values are funded with after-tax dollars.
  • Savings are secured by the issuing company. Insurance companies are required by law to have 100% or more, of all liabilities covered by the company’s assets. IULs are offered by some of the oldest, largest, and most financially stable institutions in the world.
  • Once the cash value of the account has time to accumulate, policyholders are able to make withdrawals or use the value of their account as collateral for tax-free preferred loans from the carrier. If an unexpected expense or emergency comes up, the policyholder wouldn’t have to scramble for money, they would essentially become their own bank.
  • Through the use of IUL-based, three-to-one leveraged plans —NGEB’s programs can add up to three times (or more) money to retirement savings when compared to pre-tax plans (i.e., 401(k), 403(b), 457, IRAs) or after-tax options (i.e., Roth 401k, Roth IRA, certificates of deposits, taxable brokerage accounts, etc.) providing executives and key staff access to increased benefits without increasing budgeted amounts.
  • NGEB’s plans offer an option to those who would like to save for the future without the risk – where their principal and interest gains are annually locked in and contractually protected against loss.